April 5th the Family Center of Gap had an event at Angela's Cafe called Dine to Donate to raise funds for me for an iPad. The iPad is a tool I can use to help me communicate. There are different applications available that make it possible to communicate. The one I'm using now is called Speak It. You simply type what you want to say and it will repeat it with an audible voice. I cant reply instantly but it is portable and gives me a way to be able to communicate with others. I'm extremely grateful for the staff at the cafe for their excellent service and for their generosity throughout the evening. Once again I'm humbled by the kindness and generosity of people in the community and friends. You all have made this journey a little bit easier to cope with. You all are truly a blessing and I can't thank you all enough for your support and generosity. Thanks for being a blessing in my life. You are sincerely loved and appreciated! God bless!
I am so blessed to have a strong husband. Honey you are amazing and have so many caring people in your life. Your faith in God is so great! This journey is not easy...you never complained when you could still talk....you just keep smiling and speak with your eyes. I will never be as strong as you are. Thank God for our special family, Chad & Noelle and Clint & Tanya...they are so faithful with their special visits. Irina and Trinity are part of this journey too. They are so caring!!! Irina is so upbeat and a very special friend, she keeps telling me it's ok and we can do this together.I love you all...Emy
It was a fun night and the food and service were great! So glad you now have a way of communicating! Looking forward to the 5K tomorrow morning!
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