Friday, January 22, 2010

Trust and Doubt

What does our trust look like when we can't explain our trouble or sickness? How do we look beyond it all? Some of us try to show faith by saying we are believing God for something in our lives like a job, health, or whatever other need they may have. Some say trusting in him means accepting that his ways are not our ways. I've come to realize that what it means to trust God can be almost as hard as the situation itself. I've also come to realize that the Word of God gives us wisdom for those struggles.
I am learning not to be afraid to be honest with God. David expressed his despair and helplessness for things beyond his control. Job accused God of being unfair. When it seemed God was ignoring them, they expressed it. But they learned to trust God in the dark times of their doubts.
It helps me when I break this journey down into small steps. As a friend once told me, inch by inch life's a cinch, yard by yard life is hard. God promised I will never leave you or forsake you.
In desperate times we think we know what we need from God. But God knows what is best for us even in difficult circumstances.
It gets real easy to doubt yourself. Job got to where he doubted himself more than he doubted God. After being reminded of the eternal power of God , he fell to his knees. From a broken heart, Job said,"I know that you can do everything, and that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you . I have uttered what I did not understand, things to wonderful for me, which I did not know. I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you".
Even though I have doubts at times, when I see God and who he is, trusting him is a little easier.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gordie,

We will pray that God will help you to continue to trust even when it is so hard.

Love ya,
Mary Ann & Lloyd

Dave King said...

Thanks Gordie! That's powerful!

Anonymous said...

Great insight Gordie,

I continue to be encouraged by your deep commitment to Gods purpose for your life. You continue "shining" as time moves on. I know God gives the strength but the daily choices you make to submit to Him is a powerful testimony to us all. Tuesday night get togethers with you still remains a cherished time for me!
Love you Brother.
Mel B.

Anonymous said...

Being strong isn't always easy but you are an inspiration to me - life is hard but you continue to see God in it all.I wish I could take your place, I am alone , you have a family. Will continue to lift you to God's mercy seat. Love you deeply, Thelma

Chad said...

You're the man dad! Thanks for your words of encouragement. Your faith and strength are an inspiration to more people than you know. Thanks dad! I love you!

oh joy! said...

I have a card from Uncle Jake on my desk with the "inch by inch" saying. It's a good one. YOU'RE a good one! Thank you for sharing your insights with us. I am humbled everytime I read them. I hate that you have this disease, but I love how God is using it to carry His message. He really does work ALL things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose...that's you.

Love you, George.

肚子 said...
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Anonymous said...

Gordie, I have been a silent reader for quite awhile. I have received strength from reading your posts. We are on a difficult, undefined journey right now and it has been tough. I find myself constantly devouring stories from people like you who know what it means to be on a difficult journey. People who do not use the lovely cliches of those who know the right words but have never walked a mile in the moccasins. Thanks for the encouragement. If you care to read it, I recently wrote some stuff on here
to let friends know how Albert is doing. Blessings to you!
Katie Mast