Summer seems to be flying by rather quickly. Before you know it, the leaves will be falling and another season passes. That's how my life feels at times. I recall as child, I thought my life would pass at a much slower pace. Nothing to worry about but do my chores and the rest of the time was spent playing whatever we could imagine and pretend to be. anything from cowboys and Indians to motorcycle racing on our bikes. Since we didn't have a lot of toys, we made up our own creative adventures. If only life were that carefree and innocent now As the seasons in our life come and go, things don't always go as planned. I had a mental picture of how my life would be. Boy, did that change. I sure didn't think it would turn out like it did. Many bumps and bruises along the way, a few detours, and disappointments, here I am at this stage in my life. I am living my life with an incurable disease called ALS. This certainly wasn't the picture I had etched in my mind.
Now instead of playing guitar, riding motorcycle, golf, along with all the other plans I had, I'm living life with a body wasting away, rendering me helpless to do anything on my own. This definately wasn't the picture I had in my mind. Am I mad at God? At first I admit I was, but as time passed, I came to realize this is God's plan for my life and I have accepted it as such. I am in the winter season of life and when spring comes I'll be able to say, my life has been the one that God intended for me to live.
But through it all, God gave me a wonderful wife,I and two wonderful sons that love the Lord and married to the sweetest girls anyone could ask for. I am blessed! I can truthfuly say, God is good!
Thank you all for your support and prayers!
Gordie you are truly an inspiration to me!!! You make me want to be a better person! THANK YOU for sharing your journey with us all! WE ARE BLESSED to know you!
"The Word of God does not return empty, it irrigates hearts and minds, softening furrowed brows, filling creases with caring. Seeds of hope flourish in God's sight."
Love & Prayers, Bonnie
Gordie, since I've spent time with you in the last 2 weeks I must say I've had the "big one" with God numerous times. All I know is that I can trust God no matter what.....your situation is definitely one of the "no matter what" times and I'm reminded often to love today like it's my last. Thank you for sharing your heart!
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