Well here we are a week away from Christmas. Where did this year go, it seems like the year just flew by. All in all it has been a good year. I can look back and say I've been blessed. As far as my ALS, progression has been fairly slow although there have been some significant changes that have taken place. I can still bear weight on my legs but walking even a few steps is next to impossible. My left shoulder is weaker and my hands seem much stiffer and weak. I cannot write and eating has become more difficult because holding unto a fork or spoon is hard to do. I can tell my upper body is being effected although some of the changes are somewhat subtle.
I consider of myself blessed in spite of everything that has happened to me physically. I have a loving God who loves me regardless of my condition. When I think why would God even care about me I am reminded that he gave us the greatest gift anyone could give, his son. Isn't this what the Christmas season is all about? If Jesus could give up his life on the cross for me, surely I can endure a little suffering while passing through this life.
I wish you all a blessed Christmas season!